In fact, what is really resonant isnot his real name Weike, but his nickname "Da Xia".
Da Xia was once the disciple of Mr Xu Zhiqian, the late famous cal-ligraphy seal cutter. Due to his persistent,diligent study, many of his works have been repeatedly awardedprizes in domestic competitions, and some of his works have been includedin books such as the large calligraphy art book series The 300 Tang Dynasty Poems Written in Four Styles of Callig-raphy Arts as well as in the book Illus-trative Thousand-School Poems Written in Four Styles of Calligraphy Art.Some of his works have been present-ed as gifts to friends in countries andregions including the United States,France, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
But this man is unwilling to be lonely. He attempts to break the traditional set form of calligraphy. Influenced by modern aesthetic ideas, he dares to "discard the classics and rebelagainst the orthodoxy".Changing the ordinary people's habit of appreciating traditional calligraphy,hemakes use of the special features of Chinese characters--dots, strokes andlines and, based on the form of tradi-tional Chinese seal characters, trieshard to add sentimental color to therhyme scheme inherent in the calligraphy art, and calls it "charismaticcalligraphy"
The "charismatic calligraphy"with something new and original doeshave a kind of charisma and one canreally get the trick of it only when onechews and savors it carefully.
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